Why this site.
The internet has proven to be a wonderful way to share things with people who live in many different places. As an American living in Sweden I often feel those distances much more than I would like. This site is my way to gather everyone under my one roof.

I want to share my son’s Bar Mitzvah with family and friends who live on the other side of the ocean.

I want to share my Jewish connection with friends here who perhaps had never met a Jewish person till meeting Bevin and myself.

I want to share this Jewish rite of passage with the the Swedish Jewish friends that I have made here in Sweden.

And last but not least I want to share my son’s “Coming of Age” with the group of Jewish American friends here in Sweden that have watched Bevin grow over the last 10 years and while not replacing my family back in the states have instead expanded it and who have come to mean so much to me.
--Hilarie Cutler

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